Employee Perspectives
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Abhishek Baranwal
Planner"Fostering growth and development of its employees, regardless of experience level, is a characteristic of Air Products."
As I joined Air Products, I was assigned to work on various benchmarking projects.
The culture of open dialogue, strong leadership, collaborative colleagues, and teamwork helped me overcome on the ground challenges whilst providing all the necessary support to deliver my objectives on time and successfully. I take pride in my work, being part of high performing team and being recognized for my efforts.

Vikas Venu
Senior Purchase ManagerAt Air Products I have the Self-Confidence to Simplify processes thereby bringing in Speed while maintaining Safety as our number one priority.
Air Products lives by its 4S culture of Safety, Speed, Simplicity and Self-confidence. I joined Air Products when the organisation was in its early stages in India and workflow and processes were being established. The management provided me the freedom to take accountability of the assigned projects and collaborate with my global counterparts, learn the best practices and integrate what was best for the region.
The enabling work culture places the responsibility on me to be solution-driven and to always look at the bigger picture.

Sheetal Nitin Salvi
BMS Admin, Quality & CI"There is room to always develop oneself and I find myself growing here”.
I joined Air Products in the document control department, which provided me with many learning and development opportunities. I was provided with a job rotation opportunity thorough an internal transfer to the Quality and Continuous Improvement team further developing my career.
Working at Air Products has given me good career opportunities as well as the chance to get engaged and serve the local community where I have grown up and live. Air Products has provided me with a sense of higher purpose in life, alongside the confidence to do better every day. This is my company, I belong here.

Sudhir Pegwar
Manager, Mechanical EquipmentRespect self, others and encourage an environment of open dialogue and transparency.
Air Products has given a direction to my aspirations and helped me achieve the path to the long-term goal of achieving excellence and a rewarding career. Having joined Air Products from one of the largest engineering conglomerates of India, here I got the opportunity to work in a global environment aimed at overall growth and development. Acknowledging my dedication and commitment, I was provided the right opportunity to excel and promoted as a functional manager.

Shafa Najir Lagiwale
Associate EngineerBehaving ethically and being true to commitments is one of the core values at Air Products and I have learned to imbibe the same in my personal and professional life.
I joined Air Products on the Career Development Program. Through the program I have been taught new skills through a combination of on the job training sessions with industry experts and hands on projects. Constructive feedback, opinions and suggestions are all welcomed and valued at Air Products and help to build confidence. All these factors have contributed to my personal and professional development.